An introduction to SpecMerger, a tree-diffing tool designed to facilitate mechanized specification audits.
Specifications (such as RFCs, programming language standards) are typically written in natural language. To formally verify an implementation of such a spec, we need two things: a mechanization of the spec (in a theorem prover like Coq, Lean, Dafny, …), and a proof of correctness relating the implementation to the mechanized spec.
The correctness of the proof is guaranteed by the theorem prover. But who checks the correctness of the mechanization? The original spec is in natural language, so the best we can do is an audit. To make these audits easier, some specs are written in a “literate” style, with comments from the spec interleaved throughout the mechanization. This helps a lot, but… who checks the comments? In this post, I present SpecMerger, a tool that checks that literate comments match the spec they came from.