Systems and
Formalisms Lab
Diagrammatic notations:
a wishlist
Structural composition
Inductive Hydra: Set :=
| node: Hydrae -> Hydra
with Hydrae: Set :=
| hnil: Hydrae
| hcons: Hydra ->
Hydrae -> Hydrae.
Definition left_hyd […]
Definition right_hyd […]
Definition whole_hyd :=
(hcons left_hyd
(hcons right_hyd
Cost-benefit balance
(+ epsilon
(mu "[token]"
(+ epsilon ("," rec))))
(f ⊗ g) · (h ⊗ k) = (f · h) ⊗ (g · k)
f ⊗ idC · idB ⊗ g = idA ⊗ g · f ⊗ idD
(sep (MCell f2 d1 c2) (sep (MCell p1
f1 b2) (sep (MCell p2 f2 b2) (sep
(MCell b1 x null c2) (sep (MListSeg c2
b2 L2') (sep (MCell b2 d2 null)
(MListSeg f1 b1 L1)))))))