The goal of the VSTTE conference series is to advance the state of the art in the science and technology of software verification, through the interaction of theory development, tool evolution, and experimental validation.
The Verified Software Initiative (VSI), spearheaded by Tony Hoare and Jayadev Misra, is an ambitious research program for making large-scale verified software a practical reality. The International Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments (VSTTE) is the main forum for advancing the initiative. VSTTE brings together experts spanning the spectrum of software verification in order to foster international collaboration on the critical research challenges. The theoretical work includes semantic foundations and logics for specification and verification, and verification algorithms and methodologies. The tools cover specification and annotation languages, program analyzers, model checkers, interactive verifiers and proof checkers, automated theorem provers and SAT/SMT solvers, and integrated verification environments. The experimental work drives the research agenda for theory and tools by taking on significant specification/verification exercises covering hardware, operating systems, compilers, computer security, parallel computing, and cyber-physical systems.
The 2025 edition of VSTTE will be the 17th international conference in the series, and will be co-located with FMCAD 2025 in Menlo Park, California, USA.
Call for papers and work-in-progress presentations
VSTTE 2025 welcomes submissions describing significant advances in the production of verified software, i.e. software that has been proved to meet its functional specifications. Submissions of theoretical, practical, and experimental contributions are equally encouraged, including those that focus on specific problems or problem domains. We are especially interested in submissions describing large-scale verification efforts that involve collaboration, theory unification, tool integration, and formalized domain knowledge. We also welcome papers describing novel experiments and case studies evaluating verification techniques and technologies.
In addition to regular papers, we welcome submissions on in-progress verified software projects to a “work-in-progress (presentation-only)” track. Work-in-progress contributions will not appear in the post-proceedings of the conference. Submissions describing work of interest to the software verification community, but that could not be accepted for publication in the conference proceedings, may be invited to the “work-in-progress (presentation-only)” track, on a case-by-case basis.
Topics of interest for this conference include, but are not limited to, requirements modeling, specification languages, specification/verification/certification case studies, formal calculi, software design methods, automatic code generation, refinement methodologies, compositional analysis, verification tools (e.g., static analysis, dynamic analysis, model checking, theorem proving, satisfiability), tool integration, benchmarks, challenge problems, and integrated verification environments.
VSTTE 2025 accepts both long (limited to 16 pages, excluding references) and short (limited to 10 pages, excluding references) paper submissions. Short submissions also cover “verification pearls” describing an elegant proof or proof technique. Submitted research papers and system descriptions must be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
Papers may be submitted via EasyChair at the VSTTE 2025 conference submission page. The use of LaTeX and the Springer LNCS class files is strongly encouraged. Submissions that are not in the proper format or are too long will not be considered.
Accepted regular-track papers will be included in the post-conference proceedings of VSTTE 2025, which will be published as a LNCS volume by Springer-Verlag. Authors of those papers will have to transfer copyright of their contribution to Springer-Verlag.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission: July 14th AoE
- Paper submission: July 18th AoE
- Notification of acceptance: Aug 31th (AoE)
- Final pre-conference paper submission: September 26th (AoE)
- Conference: October 6th-7th
- Camera-ready for papers included in post-conference proceedings: TBA
Registration to VSTTE will be part of the FMCAD registration process.
Invited speakers
- Caroline Trippel (Stanford University)
- Grant Passmore (Imandra)
Invited tutorial speakers
- Pierre-Yves Strub (PQShield)
Steering Committee
- Supratik Chakraborty (IIT Bombay, India)
- Natarajan Shankar (SRI International)
Program Chairs
- Clément Pit-Claudel (EPFL)
- Katherine Kosaian (University of Iowa)
Program Committee
- Mario Carneiro (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Julien Deantoni (Université Cote d'Azur)
- Peter Höfner (Australian National University)
- Geoff Hulette (Amazon Web Services)
- Inigo Incer (California Institute of Technology)
- Shachar Itzhaky (Technion)
- Bettina Könighofer (Graz University of Technology)
- Nikolai Kosmatov (Thales Research & Technology)
- Patrick Lam (University of Waterloo)
- Jianwen Li (East China Normal University)
- Ruben Martins (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Nina Narodytska (VMWare Research)
- Andrei Paskevich (Université Paris-Saclay, LMF)
- Aseem Rastogi (Microsoft)
- Philipp Rümmer (University of Regensburg)
- Natasha Sharygina (University of Lugano, Switzerland)
- Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania)
- Cynthia Sturton (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- Laura Titolo (CodeMetal)
- Beta Ziliani (Manas)
Previous Editions
- VSTTE 2005 (Zürich, Switzerland)
- VSTTE 2008 (Toronto, Canada)
- VSTTE 2010 (Edinburgh, Scotland)
- VSTTE 2012 (Philadelphia, USA, co-located with POPL 2012)
- VSTTE 2013 (Atherton, USA)
- VSTTE 2014 (Vienna, Austria, co-located with CAV 2014 as part of VSL 2014)
- VSTTE 2015 (San Francisco, USA, co-located with CAV 2015)
- VSTTE 2016 (Toronto, Canada, co-located with CAV 2016)
- VSTTE 2017 (Heidelberg, Germany, co-located with CAV 2017)
- VSTTE 2018 (Oxford, UK, co-located with CAV 2018)
- VSTTE 2019 (New York, USA, co-located with CAV 2019)
- VSTTE 2020 (Los Angeles, USA, co-located with CAV 2020)
- VSTTE 2021 (Lugano, Switzerland, co-located with FMCAD 2021)
- VSTTE 2022 (Trento, Italy, co-located with FMCAD 2022)
- VSTTE 2023 (Ames, Iowa, USA, co-located with FMCAD 2023)
- VSTTE 2024 (Prague, Czech Republic, co-located with FMCAD 2024)