The problem
Our MS in CS is hard to navigate and inflexible, does not adequately ensure breadth and depth, and has a high administrative burden.
Our MS in CS is hard to navigate and inflexible, does not adequately ensure breadth and depth, and has a high administrative burden.
Don’t change course offerings.
We already have a great catalog: this reform is only about how students pick classes.
Don’t change internships and theses.
This reform is about course selection.
Don't change other MS programs.
This reform affects just the MS in Computer Science.
Students must take an additional 40 credits worth of CS courses, chosen from all MS in CS courses. (unchanged)
Specializations are granted if enough credits (30) are obtained on a given topic. (unchanged)
Students must do an internship, a 12-credits research project in a lab, a 6 credits SHS course/project, a 30-credits Master thesis (PDM). If the thesis is in industry, the internship is optional. (unchanged)
Students: Tell us how these changes would have affected your studies. Are there issues that we missed? You can write to your representatives or to any of us.
Profs: Please answer our very brief poll to tell us which IC area (research domain) your courses attach to and which specialization(s), if any, they are relevant to.
All courses need to be tagged into a single area and zero or more specializations.
We ran a poll among IC teachers for ~6 months to converge to these labels.
Click individual courses below to display a simulated course plan under the course list.
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Algorithms & Theoretical Computer Science
Computer Architecture & Integrated Systems
Computer Vision
Distributed Computing
Digital Education
Data Management & Information Retrieval
Human-Computer Interaction
Information & Communication Theory
Natural Language Processing
Operating Systems & Networks
Programming Languages & Formal Methods
Signal & Image Processing
Security & Privacy
Other areas and non-IC courses
Emma registers for the MS in Computer Science.
For her breadth requirement, she picks CS-440, COM-500, CS-470, and CS-450.
For electives (“options”), she takes CS-453, CS-503, CS-442, CS-473, CS-486, CS-457, and COM-430.
She completes an internship prototyping denoising algorithms for a camera-chip maker, an SHS course in digital humanities (6 credits), a research project in a Computer Architecture lab at EPFL (12 credits), and a thesis (“PDM”) in Visual Computing at EPFL (30 credits).
In total, she has acquired /120 credits () and can graduate with a specialization in .